There Is Something Really Wrong With Orono

What a horrible, fascist, police state like city, I’m glad I don’t live there. Orono has a history of big governmental overreach that defies logic and imposes the will of a few elitists both in and out of the totalitarian municipal government with an iron fist. A place where common sense has been extinct for quite some time.

Let’s look at the latest infringement on freedom by the totalitarian city of Orono. The city of Orono v. 74 year old Nancy Edwards. She lives off Social Security and a reverse mortgage. Her crime? Renting one space on her dock. Just one. Call in the major crimes unit, we’ve got a live one here. She faces 90 days in jail and a one thousand dollar fine. Take that woman out of circulation, and break her financially. Now that’s taking a bite out of crime.

They wouldn’t do that, you say? The hell they wouldn’t. Ask Jay Nygaard. I’ll touch on his story in a minute. By the way, whatever happened to property rights? There aren’t any in Orono, at least for the individual. They are what the city decides you can have, and remember, whatever scraps the city gives, the city can take away.

Edwards has lived in her house for 65 years, it’s the home she grew up in, and get a load of this one. Legally, she can’t even let a family member use her dock. WTF? She is due in court today, I’ll keep you posted.

Let’s not forget about the Lorie Line fiasco about a year and a half ago. The famous pianist held recitals at her home, once a week, for about a month or two. When her driveway was full, some people would park on the street, you know, like in any city, well, any city but Orono. You had elitist prick neighbors complain that there were cars parked on the street. Long story short, new parking ordinances. I know. You gotta be effing kidding. Elitist, nose in the air pricks like that should be pushed down a flight of stairs at every available opportunity. You people need to go buy yourselves your own private little condominiumized gated community where you can shut yourselves off from the real world, and live in your funny one, with all your dumbass, petty little rules. Yeah, that’s right, You people are petty.

Let’s not forget about Jay Nygaard. There’s a guy who got the shit end of the stick. He committed the heinous crime of installing a windmill on his property. Good Lord call out the SWAT team, he needs to be taken down. And they did. They threw him in the gulag for 6 months. I know what you’re thinking, I thought it too. No, the windmill was not one of those big eyesores that are the cause of scenic pollution like you see in the countryside. Nope, not at all. I saw a picture of his, and you wouldn’t even know it was a windmill, nor would you even notice it unless you were specifically looking for it. But alas, snooty, elitist prick neighbors who are unable to keep their snouts in their own dish, and seem to believe they have the right to mind everybody else’s business, blew their petty little meat whistles.

Back to Edwards. The totalitarian dictatorship which is the city of Orono has already blackened their eye by taking her to court, it will be an even bigger black eye to the city and an embarrassment of national proportion if she is destroyed.

Like I said. There is something really wrong with the city of Orono, Minnesota.